Monday, July 14, 2008

Thing 16

I chose the igoogle page becuase I had google everything else it seems like. I did the aquarium because i like anything with water on it. The page is so relaxing. I also had another home page with weather and sports and current local news but I think it caused my computer to run slow. I could be wrong but that seemed to slow everything down. I signed up for stickits for the personal organizer. I liked the fact that you can recieve the reminders anywhere but I do not think that I am that organized or have enough technlogy to keepup with it because I do not have a phone that will allow me to look at the web and I am in the gym all day so I do not always have a computer at my side. I also toured remember the milk. Online calendars can be very useful to me for a class syllabus and for my schedule during the season. I have already decided that instead of handing out a newsletter every monday this year I will use the online calendar. Okay thats is enough for today. I have been reading and playing with thing 16 so long that my right eye is starting to twitch.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Sometimes we just "play" for so long it feels a little guilty and we forget we are learning.